Sport Clubs
Get Involved

To find more information regarding our existing clubs, please go to BullsConnect and learn how to get involved.
Current Clubs and Officers
Athletic Running
President – Sasha
Beach Volleyball
President – Tripp
Florida All-Stars Dance
President – Lillia
Ultimate Frisbee
President – Ian
FC (Soccer)
President – Nathan
Co-Ed Sailing
President – Humberto
President - Kendall
Want to Start Your Own Sport Club?
Register to become a student organization with the Office of Leadership and Student Organizations
- Complete the application on BullsConnect.
- Attach completed constitution
- List four elected officers and a faculty/staff advisor
- Add five members to the roster
- Attend mandatory New Student Organization Training required by the Office of Leadership and Student Organizations.
Once your organization is registered, complete the Sport Club Application form on BullsConnect.
Once The Sport Club Federation review process is complete an introductory meeting with the Sport Progams Coordinator will be scheduled.