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Pinellas County higher education consortium creates Racial Justice Fellows program
A new Racial Justice Fellows pilot program aimed at putting college students at the center of creating systemic racial change is being launched by a coalition of Pinellas County higher education institutions and a non-profit organization.
August 27, 2021Campus News, Student Life

Professor wins distinguished award from international higher education and disability association
USF Professor of Education Lyman Dukes III has received the Ronald E. Blosser Dedicated Service Award from the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).
August 26, 2021Research and Innovation

Get up to date with the latest campus news with 'Where Discovery Shines'
This short publication shines a spotlight on all of the innovative work and partnerships occurring on the USF St. Petersburg campus over the past six months. Read about advancements in diversity, inclusion and sustainability, as well as the expanded academic opportunities and upgraded facilities.
August 25, 2021Campus News

Wellness Center grant to build vaccine confidence on campus
A $3,000 grant from the American College Health Association (ACHA) will aid the Wellness Center on USF’s St. Petersburg campus with developing greater vaccine confidence on campus and in the community in order to increase rates of COVID vaccinations.
August 23, 2021Campus News

Delayed by COVID restrictions, a graduate finally celebrates a milestone
After overcoming the challenges of a learning disability, Robert Papadopoulos was proud to earn his college degree. But celebrating that accomplishment with a traditional commencement ceremony took longer than he or anyone else could have imagined.
August 19, 2021Student Life

Teen student overcomes eating disorder to become youngest in graduating class
Teen's determination and focus led her to become the youngest graduate at the University of South Florida’s 2021 summer commencement. At just 19 years old, Abigail Cooper is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in forensic studies and justice.
August 19, 2021Campus News

USF to honor summer 2021 class, along with graduates whose ceremonies were impacted by COVID-19, during Aug. 21-22 commencement
The University of South Florida will confer approximately 3,000 degrees during summer commencement scheduled for Aug. 21-22, as ceremonies return to the Yuengling Center in Tampa after being held at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg in the spring.
August 18, 2021Campus News, Student Life

A transformative education inspires instructor to create scholarship for first-generation college students
David Connelly, who spent more than 20 years as the public relations director at the Museum of Fine Arts in downtown St. Petersburg, credits his education with broadening his perspective and opening the door to a series of adventures.
August 17, 2021Campus News

When an extreme storm approaches, here is how the campus jumps into action
The University of South Florida has an extensive Emergency Management Program that ensures faculty, staff and students living on and off campus are prepared and remain safe during a hurricane.
August 16, 2021Campus News

New book combines current research with classic studies to highlight reptiles secret social lives
The cold-blooded, scaly creatures are often thought of as solitary, uncaring or asocial. In reality, experts believe they communicate extensively with one another and hunt, feed, court, mate, nest and hatch in groups.
August 9, 2021Research and Innovation

Expressive writing reduces relationship conflict and aggression during pandemic, study finds
Individuals who wrote about their relationship troubles during the pandemic from the point of view of a neutral observer had less conflict and aggression with their partner, according to new research from USF’s St. Petersburg campus.
August 5, 2021Research and Innovation

Students looking forward to the full college experience as they return to campus this fall
We talked to several students about all the changes they have experienced since the pandemic began and how they feel about a full return to USF’s St. Petersburg campus.
July 28, 2021Campus News, Student Life