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Textbook affordability project saves St. Pete students $2.4 million
A project designed to address textbook affordability by lowering course material costs and improving accessibility at USF St. Petersburg has saved students more than $2.4 million over the past eight years.
January 14, 2025Campus News

Library launches digital archive featuring 20 years of work from The Studio@620
The Nelson Poynter Memorial Library unveiled a new comprehensive digital collection and gallery exhibit highlighting two decades’ worth of artistic material from the popular art venue The Studio@620 and its co-founder, Bob Devin Jones.
September 17, 2024Campus News, Community Partnerships

Nelson Poynter Memorial Library teams up with community partners to offer free data literacy workshops
The Nelson Poynter Memorial Library is offering several expert-led workshops to increase data literacy in the community. The free workshops are designed to empower community members and nonprofit leaders to build skills in using data to solve problems and tell stories.
September 4, 2024Campus News, Community Partnerships

The late-night, unsung hero of the library is retiring
If over the past decade you were one of the many students cramming for finals or putting the finishing touches on a research project until the midnight hours in the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, you have Samuel Holloway III to thank. The librarian who works the late-night shift will be retiring next month.
March 27, 2024Campus News

USF Libraries preserves local African American history
A bountiful repository of local artifacts spanning more than 150 years provides a glimpse into Tampa Bay's African American communities. This collection from rare books and personal papers to photographs and property records is available at the USF Tampa and USF St. Petersburg libraries as well as online.
February 6, 2024Campus News

The University of South Florida and Florida Holocaust Museum to house papers and personal collection of Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity named the University of South Florida and the Florida Holocaust Museum as the permanent home of the papers and artifacts of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor who became an esteemed humanitarian, writer and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
February 5, 2024Community Partnerships, Research and Innovation

Uncovering our community’s artifacts and stories
A unique learning experience allowed History students the chance to examine more than a dozen artifacts ranging from Tuskegee Airmen nurse uniform pins to a "Don't Kiss Me" necklace worn by babies during the Tuberculosis outbreak of the early 1900s.
September 22, 2023Campus News, Community Partnerships

New speaker series invites community to learn about history and preservation in Florida
Two new speakers’ series on the USF St. Petersburg campus will give the public a chance to explore history and local preservation through interactive and engaging lectures during the spring semester.
February 16, 2023Campus News, Community Partnerships, Events

Nelson Poynter Memorial Library gets a new, modern look
After undergoing major renovations, the first floor of the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library has a new look and greater study space for students. The upgrades include twelve new study rooms and state-of-the-art technology to enhance opportunities for collaboration and learning.
January 6, 2023Campus News

Kristina Keogh named new dean of the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library
Kristina Keogh has been named the new dean of the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at the USF St. Petersburg campus. She has more than 15 years of experience in librarianship, including seven years in management and administrative roles in positions of increasing responsibility.
July 25, 2022Campus News

Textbook Affordability Initiative Saves Student Body more than $400,000
As college costs from tuition to course materials rise, novel solutions are needed to make earning a college education accessible while reducing the burden of debt.
July 2, 2018Campus News

Poynter Memorial Library Unveils Special Collections Room
A newly revamped Special Collections Reading Room offers students and researchers opportunities to further their studies utilizing rare books, personal manuscripts and archival materials.
May 7, 2018Campus News