
Visitor Parking


Parking permits are required to park on campus 24/7. Permits are the property of the University of South Florida. By obtaining a parking permit, the permit holder agrees to become familiar with and abide by the Parking Rules & Regulations.

As a visitor to our campus you can elect to use one of the following:


Valid in S designated parking areas (not valid in GZ, R, Reserved, State Vehicle, or other designated spaces).

One-hour Visitor Parking Spaces

There are several one-hour visitor parking spaces around the campus. A visitor may park for free for one hour in designated visitor spaces only up to three times per semester. A visitor is any person who is not a member of the university community on any of the USF campuses. Students, faculty, staff, and vendors/contractors do not qualify for visitor parking access. Non-visitors may be issued citations for parking in spaces designated as visitor parking only.