If you have received a parking citation and do not wish to contest or appeal it, you may pay online by credit card over our secure internet site or pay in person by check or money order at our parking window in Bayboro Hall room 132. PATS accepts payments by credit card, debit card, checks or money orders.
To pay by mail, please be sure to include the citation number on your check or money
order, and mail it to:
USF St. Petersburg Parking & Transportation Services
140 7th Avenue South, BAY132
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Citations not paid or appealed within 14 calendar days after citation issuance will accrue a late fee and forfeit the right to appeal. See our Parking General Guidelines, section PARKING/TRAFFIC RATES & FINES. Any violations which are still outstanding after 45 days may be transferred to a collection agency with additional fees assessed by the agency.