Family Resources
Welcome! We’re glad you found us. On this page, we’ve gathered many resources that will be of interest to parents, coparents and childcare providers who care for children birth to age 3. During the COVID pandemic, with the support of the Pinellas Community Foundation, the USF Family Study Center developed an array of video and virtual supports allowing parents to take time out, check in about their everyday stresses and challenges, and focus on their infants and toddlers. Included among these resources was a series of "Baby Hours" including dedicated sessions for parents of babies, parents of toddlers, BIPOC parents, Spanish-speaking parents, and fathers. These “evergreen” sessions continue to offer valuable and fun tips, resources, and helpful insights, and so we have reproduced them below for anytime viewing.
Also during and after the pandemic, the Family Study Center was among a group of community experts and advocates that collaborated with the Juvenile Welfare Board on the development of their delightful “Turbo Babies” campaign. Turbo Babies offers free resources and materials designed to support healthy development of infants and toddlers, including “Turbo Tips” to help parents and caregivers rev up learning and keep the baby’s development on track - Tune In, Talk & Repeat, Take Turns, and Take Time. You can check out JWB’s interactive on the Turbo Babies website.
Last, we also include a variety of excellent additional resources collated during the COVID era, including not just resources specifically related to helping small children with trauma and anxiety, but also several terrific links and resources celebrating babies’ joy, curiosity, and thirst for exploration and fun. Please check them out!
We are ever grateful to the parents, coparents and childcare providers who work magic in everyday moments to support babies, through both good and challenging times. We invite you to contact the Family Study Center directly at 727-873-4848 any time there are other ways we can be of assistance.
James McHale
Director, and the staff of the USF St. Petersburg campus Family Study Center
The Baby Hour! A Video Series filmed in Fall 2020 with the support of the Pinellas Community Foundation
*Set aside a little time to view any of the following videos that sound like they may be of interest to you! Also check back periodically for opportunities to take part in the Family Study Center’s 20th Anniversary events and activities in 2023-24. Share the link to this site with others and let us know what additional resources you would find most helpful - contact us any time at 727-873-4848.
The Baby Hour: Premier Episode featuring Family Study Center
- The Baby Hour: Braiding the Generations (specially for BIPOC parents) with Guests: Dr. Marva Lewis and Ms. Zina Harris
- The Baby Hour: Little People with Big Feelings with Guest: Ms. Maureen Griner
- La Hora del Bebé: ¡Lo Que Usted Hace Importa! with Guests: Ms. Maggie Sanchez and Ms. Heidi Garcia
- The Baby Hour: Toddler Adventures with Guest: Ms. Jackie Malone
- Real Talk for Dads with Guests: Mr. Rashid Mizell and Pastor Carlos Senior
Virtual Webinars - Support for Childcare Providers Filmed During COVID-19
- Session 1 - Self-care for childcare providers during COVID-19
- Session 2 - Part I - Anticipating and supporting children's emotional distress (part 1)
- Session 2 - Part II - Anticipating and supporting children's emotional distress (part 2)
- Session 3 - Building strong childcare-home partnerships for children during COVID
Information for Parents to Help Young Children During Times of Stress and Uncertainty
“When We Are Scared” – Free Webinar and Online Book and Video for children by Chandra Ghosh-Ippen
Caring Reminders for Families During Stressful Times - Fred Rogers Productions shares some tips from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on how
families, parents, and caregivers can relieve children’s insecurities and fears.
Tips for Video Chatting with Young Children – Tips for Video Chatting with Young Children – Staying Connected While Far Apart. NAEYC
Sesame Street® Learning Resources - Free resources, including digital storybooks and games, developed in partnership with Sesame Street
Free Audio Books for Kids – Audible
Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents, Most involving no screen time – National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
Other Helpful Links
- Zero to Three Network Free Resources for Parents
- Zero to Three Network: Mindfulness for Parents
- PNC Lesson Center – For families with older children: more than 150 free, high-quality lesson plans that parents can adapt for use at home and accompanying learning activities with a focus on the arts and science.
- Helping Children Cope During and After a Disaster
- How are children different from adults?