Come Celebrate USF Family Study Center’s 20th Anniversary
Join our 20th Anniversary Donor's Circle!

Since 2003, USF’s Family Study Center has breathed life into a dynamic mental health concept relevant to every child, every family, every community – coparenting. Once a concept thought of only as it pertained to post-divorce families, it is now recognized that around the world, nearly every infant and toddler will grow up in a family collective where there are multiple caregiving adults, or coparents.
The Family Study Center has been ground zero for creative new scholarship and intervention models supporting coparenting within the full diversity of modern family constellations. This year, marking our 20th anniversary, we invite professionals, funders, parents and policy-makers to come learn with us. We will recap the most important new advances in understanding and supporting babies, toddlers and families during the first three years, when supports matter most!
Our event series, “Thinking Three”, reminds us that intervening with child-parent dyads alone is seldom sufficient if the goal is family stabilization, support and thriving. Join in for our events – check this site often for the latest updated information as additional details become available!
FSC 20th Anniversary Celebration Week: April 8-12, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 6-8PM, Center for Health Equity. First Annual FSC “Listening to Families” Community Conversation, Parents, grandparents and others raising infants and young children invited. Sponsored by the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County’s 0-3 Coparenting Initiative.
Wednesday, April 10, 8-10AM, FSC 20th Anniversary Community Partner Breakfast & 2024 “Building Blocks for Babies” awards, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg campus, University Student Center Ballrooms (second floor).
Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen
Dr. Silvia Mazzoni
Thursday, April 11, 2024 Opening Reception, 6-8PM
Friday, April 12, 2024 All-Day Event, 8:30—5PM EST
Family Study Center 20th Anniversary Professional Training Conference: “Thinking Three”, Opening Address by Dr. James Mchale, University of South Florida. Plenary Sessions by Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen, University of California San Francisco and Dr. Silvia Mazzoni, Sapenzia University of Rome.