Student Conduct

Referral Procedures

Incidents of alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct are directed to the Office of Student Conduct. Individuals or groups choosing to file a complaint can arrange a meeting with a staff member from the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the alleged violation, but formal complaints must be submitted in writing via email at After receiving a written complaint, Student Conduct will determine University jurisdiction and a staff member from Student Conduct will investigate the incident. This may include meeting with the student alleged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct and all persons with information concerning the incident to determine future action as proscribed by the Student Code of Conduct. See Information on FERPA Exemption for Crime Victims.


Complaints which fall outside University jurisdiction and/or do not violate the Student Code of Conduct may result in no action being taken by Student Conduct. Additionally, insufficient evidence may result in no action and/or charges being filed.


Some reports which reach the Office of Student Conduct involve possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct, but clearly are the result of an unresolved, on-going dispute between students. Other reports do not involve violations of the Student Code of Conduct or fall outside University jurisdiction, but they too reflect student disputes. In either of these situations, mediation may be recommended. Mediation is a voluntary process which utilizes an impartial, neutral third party who acts as a facilitator to help the parties reach a mutually acceptable accord.