About Us
Meet the FSC’s 2023-24 Interns and Volunteers
As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we welcome a half dozen post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate volunteers and interns who will contribute in various ways to the FSC’s major clinical and research programs and initiatives.

Dr. Benedetta Ragni (preferred pronouns: she/her/hers) is a developmental psychologist visiting the Family Study Center during the 2023-24 academic year from LUMSA University in Rome, Italy. Her research interests are children's sleep difficulties and their relationship with coparenting, and she will be taking part in a variety of FSC research and anniversary activities in spring 2024.

Lendi Joy (preferred pronouns: she/her/hers) is an advanced doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology graduate program at USF Tampa. She is serving as a clinical trainee in the Infant Family Center in 2023-24, completing observations, assessments, and delivering clinical support and services to families of infants and young children.

Inbar Polak (preferred pronouns: she/her/hers) is an advanced graduate student in the School of Social Work at USF Tampa. During calendar year 2024, she is serving as a clinical intern with the Infant Family Center, facilitating observations, assessments, Circle of Security parenting groups, and taking part in community-based initiatives such as the Family Study Center's long-time partnership with the Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students (COQEBS) School Readiness Committee's "Baby Talk" event for parents and caregivers.

Dylan Dudick (preferred pronouns: he/him/his) is a graduate student in the USF Experimental Psychology master’s program on the St. Petersburg campus. He is serving as a research intern with the Family Study Center in 2023-24, assisting with an evaluation of the FSC’s direct services clinic, the Infant-Family Center.

Joaquina Ortuño (preferred pronouns they/them) is an undergraduate Psychology major at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus. They are serving as a research volunteer with the Family Study Center in 2023-24, assisting with translation and resources development for the FSC’s Advanced Parenting Coordination training, offered for the first time this year simultaneously in multiple languages.

Violet Adams (preferred pronouns: she/her/hers) is an undergraduate Psychology major and Environmental Science and Policy minor at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus. She is serving as a research volunteer with the Family Study Center in 2023-24, supporting a variety of 20th anniversary celebration initiatives and events.